Thursday, August 4, 2011

Eye's Opened

 I have recently realized that I can no longer go through life with blinders on. For years I was one of those people that if it did'nt directly influence my life at that moment it did'nt exist for me. I had no interest in politics at all, minimal interest in most sports, or even in what the guy next door was doing as long as they all left me alone and let me do what I wanted to do. I should have paid more attention I know and even knew then but I just could'nt be bothered.
 I now know that I was wrong. I should have been paying attention to all those things and more. I should have been getting involved in the world around me and encouraging others to do the same. I should have been a more concerned citizen in general, and then maybe I would have seen just how screwed up the world was really getting to be. The economy, politics, the plight of those around me, those are the thing that I should have been concerned about.
 On the bright side I am now starting to notice the events taking place around me. I guess I'm what one would call a late bloomer in some ways. Don't get me wrong, for the most part I have truly enjoyed my life, it's just that had I wanted to I could have still paid attention to everything else as well. And now that I am one question keeps coming to my mind over and over again. ARE ALL POLITICIANS IDIOTS? I mean really is there no common sense in Washington. One side will not agree to anything that the other side proposes, even if its something they have wanted in the past. The other side want stand up to the other one even if it is what is really needed, even when they had the power to do so.
 I am not a supporter of either party. I have always looked at the political in fighting as stupid and ineffectual. Politicians are suppose to represent the people and vote according to the wishes of the people. From what I can see Washington is nothing more than a cesspool of personal gain and greed combined with corruption of the system by all the special interest groups. And the really sad part is I don't think it can be fixed. I can't see how it could without changing how Washington is run. Outlaw lobbyist, eliminate all special interest groups, put a cap on total campaign money allowed and make it a government allotment, once again make political service totally voluntary by being an unpaid position as it was originally meant to be, and put term limits on all elected positions just like the president has. But alas it will never be because greed and ambition will be aloud to rule the day.
  Tell me what you think will fix this if you have any ideals. Who knows maybe someone will listen to us and figure out a way to make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. JT, I saw your comment on the Blog Tour for the troops. I didn't see a contact for me to send you an ebook, just email me and I'll be happy to send you one. With a copy for the troops, of course!
